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girls in bikinis

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

a poem

tw: ed

July 2, 2022

girls in bikinis

i wish i could wear one

my search history, “is this food good for me?”

it isn’t fair

i can’t compare

i workout twice a day, barely eat

don’t tell me is not good for me

some them are just like that naturally

man that shits the dream

second choice, plan b

that's all life has ever given to me

maybe boys would think i'm hotter if i shed few pounds

or my eyes wouldn't wonder to every other girl around

sizing, staring, comparing them to me

trying to see if i'm more or less pretty

don’t tell me its vain, i know

im not fucking slow

i'm only staring because i want to be her

it's not my fault i'm insecure

jealousy is my primary emotion

i want the loving boyfriend

the perfect straight hair

the hourglass body

the beautiful girlfriends

is that too much to ask?

jealousy, envy

breaking my heart

making me bitter, but i know its my fault

i'm not ugly, but im buried in make up

guys don’t love me but, some would hit

guess the thought helps me not feel like shit

but only for a second, the satisfaction fades

the “goodnight” after trades, it hurts so bad

reality hits, the illusion of love is gone

but you can have it back, if you send another pic of your ass

i shouldn't have to do this to feel loved

but, i do when push comes to shove

i mean, every girl is beautiful when her legs are in the air

she's the girl.

the one that gets every guy

blissfully unaware, walking on air

just to turn them all down

heavenly, yet humble

you can’t hate her, as much as you try

because her smile is as bright as her

you know that most of her beauty comes from her heart

her perfections are limitless, her only flaw is, “she cares too much.”

i'm sorry

but im actually not

i just wanna be- them.

why not me?

i would be lying if i said a part of me didn't want to be prom queen.

so i'll keep working out, starving

i'll even try wearing a smile to emulate her warmth.

one day

if i try hard enough

i'll be a girl in a bikini

i know i will

because if im not,

i'm dead.

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